The Story & Art project in not currently ongoing (though I do plan to get back to it). The core idea is art inspired by stories, mostly folktales, and thanks to the project’s origin - mostly ghost stories. The artworks were accompanied by videos showing the making of the art, with my voice over telling the story.
The project began in 2020 with my first ‘August Chills’: a month long celebration of ghost stories, where every week I shared a story and the making process of the art in a video. The idea came from the Japanese tradition of telling ghost stories in August to cool you down with some chills - I just love this idea. And I love ghost stories, so - voila!
I enjoyed the project so much that when August was over, I continued making similar videos, but not limited to ghost stories and thus the Story&Art project was born, though it was sadly short lived because of time restrictions (editing takes a long time…). August Chills continued in slightly varied versions for three years, but unfortunately my schedule did not allow its return in 2023. But fear not (or fear yes?), I have a stock of ghost stories and hopefully time will allow for the return of the tradition.
For now, I hope you enjoy the stories and art available, they are all linked bellow.

August Chills 2020
Sarayashiki / Ghost in the Well
The King and the Juju Tree
The Dybbuk
How it Happened
(by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

August Chills 2021
The Rose Elf
(by Hans Christian Andersen)
Khonsuemheb and the Ghost
The Waking of Angantyr
The Mysterious Vanishing of the Foremar Family
(by ASP)

Other Stories
The Hero who Turned into a Mountain
Jack O’lantern
The story of Lone Bird, the Woman in the Moon
Frau Holle
(German, Brothers Grimm version)
Amor and Psyche