Naturalist Journal

This humble looking journal holds many treasures, and a story…

The naturalist journal (or ‘J’s journal as I came to call it) was the first project I shared from scratch. Over six weeks I shared the making process in videos and in photos in my blog, from making the pages to binding them together. Like all my Tale-ing Fragments works, it’s an incomplete story build so we can revisit it again and again and weave new story lines each time.

Mixed Media

Main materials: paper, ink, paint, vellum, flowers

Measurements (approx.): 4 1/4 x 5 3/4” (11 x 14.5 cm)

For more details see the original posts on my blog: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th.

You can fins the videos on my YouTube channel, or scroll down to find them under all the photos.


(Super) quick flip-through video

For a longer one, with detailed narration, scroll down to the videos section

Flip through in photos

J journal 02.jpg
J journal 03.jpg
J journal 04.jpg
J journal 05.jpg
J journal 06.jpg
3rd entry 10.jpg
J journal 07.jpg
J journal 08.jpg
J journal 09.jpg
J journal 10.jpg
J journal 11+.jpg

Detail shots


All 6 making videos + a flip through of the finished journal