Fae draco (Dragon fairy)

Common names: demon fairy, devil fae, dare-fae-devil

Basic info

Size: 1.4 – 1.7m (average)

Mass: 25 – 55 (average)

Lifespan: Approx. 1000 human years

taxonomy - fae draco.png

Description: Like many fae, Dragon fairies have pointed ears and delicate features. They also have relatively sharp double sets of canine teeth (8 in comparison to the 4 we’re used to) and a pointed tip tail. Their eyes have barely visible sclera and seem to illuminate from within. Because the coloring of the eyes is usually yellow-orange, they have a fiery appearance. Their pupils can contort and expand similarly to a cat’s, however, they are usually quite round in our world as the natural light here is dimmer than in the Dragon fairies home world.

Fae draco in flight

Fae draco in flight

Dragon fairies are rather varied in their coloring. While almost all of them have fire-colored eyes, they can have very light or very dark complexion, often with a purple tone. Their hair ranges from blue-blonde to blue-black and everything in between.

Dragon fairies’ bones have low mass that allows their wings to carry their weight easily. Of course, magic does most of the lifting, as they have an innate ability to levitate, and the wings are mainly used for navigating. Dragon fairies are known flyers even among other winged fae, because their tail helps balance their body and allows minute and fast maneuvering mid-air.

Fae draco wings are similar in shape to that of dragonflies, however, differently from dragonfly’s, Fae draco wings can fold.

Fae draco wings are similar in shape to that of dragonflies, however, differently from dragonfly’s, Fae draco wings can fold.

Dragon fairies’ wings are the main origin of their name in our world, as they have a similar appearance to dragonfly wings: double pair of large elongated translucent wings. The similarity ends with appearance though, as Dragon fairy wings fold. The second reason for their naming is their ability to breath fire. Fire breathing has strong (albeit not very accurate) association with dragons in our world, and certainly influenced the Dragon fairies’ name, even if they rarely use this ability and many are unaware of it.

As most fae, Dragon fairies have innate ability to move between worlds, however they are particularly adapt for inter-world traveling because their breathing system is capable of functioning in most environments, allowing

Dragon fairies have 8 canines as opposed to our 4.

Dragon fairies have 8 canines as opposed to our 4.

Dragon fairies to live in places with various conditions, including even the Inbetween. This attribute most likely contributed to the Dragon fairies inclination for travel and exploration.

Habitat: The home of the Dragon fairies is a well-kept secret. It is thought to be a fire-realm, with high temperatures and a terrain seemingly similar to an erupted volcano. At least that’s what they say. Dragon fairies are explorers and travelers, and in their long existence have learned the importance of a safe haven. Their home is said to be a creation of theirs, hidden in the folds of space and time where no one can reach without a special incantation. This is why the name of their home is never uttered, and questions about it are usually answered with a polite smile and long silence. For the Dragon fairies their home is a safe place to rest in, escape to and raise their young away from prying eyes and ears, and although most of them spend much of their life away, it remains a safe and loved haven.

Diet: Omnivorous (luckily) and very fond of trying out new foods.


Watch an introduction video about the Fae draco

(this is the preliminary version shown in the meeting, it will be updated before public release)

Habits & Culture

Fae draco enjoying a hot beverage while preparing for an expedition.

Fae draco enjoying a hot beverage while preparing for an expedition.

Dragon fairies are a bit of an oxymoron, they are very well known among magions, but very little is known about them. As travelers and worlds explorers, most magions have heard and many met Dragon fairies, and they are considered the best source for knowledge on different worlds, realms and creatures and are the first to be consulted in any interworlds issue or question. They are generally outgoing and curious and happy to converse with anyone (or thing) that is willing, adding more knowledge to their libraries. Yet they usually shy away from involvement in the issues of other worlds and very little is known about their habits and culture.

 As mentioned, their home world is kept hidden, which no doubt adds to the lack of knowledge about them. A Dragon fairy will usually be happy to speak of their own personal experiences, but will keep silent about anything that happens in the Dragon fairy home world. Thus, any knowledge of cultural practices, familial structure and the like is unavailable.

Fae draco are generally friendly and curious people, but become reserved when questioned about their home world.

Fae draco are generally friendly and curious people, but become reserved when questioned about their home world.

There are some suppositions regarding their culture, based on their reactions to cultures known to us. For example, it is assumed that they have little to none gender separation because of their general puzzlement regarding gender-roles in human culture. This theory is supported by the common attributes of male and female Dragon fairies. Neither is superiorly strong physically, both have the same flying, interworld traveling, fire breathing and spell casting abilities, and the control an individual Dragon fairy has on these abilities is based on talent and practice with no predisposition in their biological sex.  

In their explorations, Dragon fairies usually travel alone, or sometimes in pairs. Pairs are often of teacher and apprentice, as Dragon fairies believe the best way to learn is to experience while relying on others previous experiences. It seems that Dragon fairy families sometimes travel together to visit other worlds, but sadly not our world as it has been considered unsafe for centuries.

Fae draco usually travel alone as they believe a single otherworldly visitor will be seen as less of a threat and, being quite formidable creatures, feel safe even as solitary explorers.

Fae draco usually travel alone as they believe a single otherworldly visitor will be seen as less of a threat and, being quite formidable creatures, feel safe even as solitary explorers.

Fae used to visit our world in much larger numbers, but the raise in intolerance toward magic in medieval times caused many to avoid our world. This is particularly true with Dragon fairies. With their tails, fangs, fiery eyes and breath, Dragon fairies were often deemed demons, and humans attempted to capture and/or banish them. In truth, fae were far less worried about what humans could do to them, than by the influence such encounters could have on the magions of Earth. Our world’s magions are experts at keeping a safe distance from humans, but otherworldly visitors are less capable in this and could attract attention to local magions and risk them. They soon decided that as fascinating as our world is, it was simply not worth it and generally avoided coming here.

Thankfully, as word spread that most humans don’t believe in magic anymore, and are less inclined to burn someone at a stack, fae began to visit us again, and Dragon fairies were the first to chance a return. It may seem surprising, considering how they were treated, but Dragon fairies are famed worlds explorers, and often find their calling in taking such risks. They are well trained in keeping hidden and observing, and are often asked to explore a potentially dangerous realms to ascertain their situation.

Dragon fairies are explorers and scholars, as friendly as they are secretive. They are powerful and can seem intimidating, but if you give them a chance - can you imagine the stories they will tell?